AI Note-Taking_ The Secret to Saving Time in Meetings
[00:00:00] Hello, welcome to the productivity genius podcast. I'm your host, Kelly Fifield. And today I want to save you time on meetings. So if you're like me, you are in lots of different types of meetings throughout the day. And I used to think that using an AI note taker would actually cost me time. This is what I was thinking.
I was thinking if I'm sitting in a meeting and I have something taking notes for me, I don't want to then later have a bunch of notes that I have to go back and read. I figured I would never look at them. And I thought that was a complete waste of time. But it turns out using AI note takers is saving me time and creating more value.
And that's what I want you to be able to do as well. Let me give you a brief overview of what I'm talking about. So I'm talking about AI note takers. My favorite right now is Fathom. The interface is very cool. It's very easy to use.
And whether using the pro version or the free version, they're both awesome. The pro version is going to [00:01:00] have a few more features, obviously, like being able to interact with the transcript using AI. So when a meeting is done, if you have the pro version, you can go back in and say, Can you like tell me everything we said about this particular topic and it's going to be able to go in and kind of interact with the Transcript and give you that information and give you hyperlinks to the points in the video where you discuss that very cool In fact, if you want to try out fathom for free the pro version for three full months You'd use the link in my show notes and that will give you three months free You don't have to put in a credit card or anything like that You so if you want to check it out, definitely use that link.
That will give you three months of the pro version free. I'm actually not paying for that one right now. And the reason is there's another tool called Otter AI. And right now it's the only tool that I know of that is giving you an accessible transcript live. All of these tools are transcribing live, [00:02:00] but currently Otter AI is the only one that I have found.
Now this is December 9th, 2024. So probably by the time you hear this, it may be available in other tools. But right now Otter. AI is the only one where you can interact with the transcript live. So what I mean is, let's say you're on a coaching call and your client says something that you want to come back to.
You can actually highlight their words as they're being translated. generated on your screen. And then maybe you get to a point in the coaching call where you want to go back and talk about some of the things you highlighted. There's a button that you can click and it will just show you the things that you highlighted.
So you can really zoom in on the things that you captured. So I really love that feature. So that's why I'm currently paying for Otter AI. that is a premium feature. But if you want to try out that premium feature, you can get that for a month using the link in the show notes.
Now, nothing that I've mentioned so far really saves you much time, but here's where I'm saving lots of time with these [00:03:00] tools. It's in the things that would normally happen after the call. So I no longer have to remember anything that we talked about or even rely on the notes that I took. All of these tools will give you a summary of what was discussed.
It will give you a transcript that you can go back and check things against. And pretty much I'm sure all of them give you an action list. So things that you've committed to will all be listed out for you. And usually I know for sure in Fathom, there's hyperlinks that will take you right back to the portion of the meeting where you discuss that.
So it will write out the things that you're supposed to do. It will write out the things that other people have committed to. And if you want to go back and review that, you can just click on where it says the action item and it will take you right back to that spot in the transcript. So I love it for that.
Also, all of these tools usually have a feature where you can share the meeting automatically. So they usually give you a summary. Maybe the action items. And then all you have to do is put in the email address of the person you want to share it with, [00:04:00] and they get that immediately. So let's say maybe somebody missed a meeting and you want to share it with them rather than having to write them an email or catch up with them later or something like that.
You can just shoot it off to them and they can get as much details as they want because they can actually. watch it back, or just get the overall concepts from the meeting just by reading the quick summary.
I also love that all of these tools are transcribing the meetings live. So what I was doing in the past is I was taking my Zoom recording transcribing that and then doing things with the transcript. Now I just click a button, it copies the transcript that it's already done and I can paste it into chat GPT and ask it to do things for me.
In fact, I created a prompt for you. If you're a coach and you want to create some things after a coaching session with a client, you should grab the prompt that I created for you. Again, that's in the show notes and what you're going to do is you're just going to copy that prompt.
Put it into ChatGPT, hit enter, and then ChatGPT is going to ask [00:05:00] you to give it the transcript, and then you just hit enter, and it's going to give you a summary of the call. It's going to give you a list of the action items you discussed. It's going to give you an email to your client. Really cool. You can use that exact prompt.
You can edit it however you want. It's in a Google Doc, so it's completely editable, so check that out in the show notes.
Now, everything I discussed so far is for online meetings. What about in person meetings? I have two recommendations for you for in person meetings. First, let's start with what would be on your phone already. If you have an iPhone and you've done the most recent update, then the notes app will actually record a voice note and transcribe it.
So if you have an iPhone, just go to a new note. At the bottom, you'll see a paper clip. You're going to click on that and then click record audio. Then you'd click the little quote box and then you'll see the transcript start popping up. So that's a great thing for in person meetings. You probably always have your phone with you. If you have an iPad, I highly recommend [00:06:00] Notability, you can take notes and record the audio that's going on. So if you're listening to someone speak, you could be taking notes.
And then when you're done with the session and you want to go back and review your notes, you can hit play and just listen to whatever you were listening to at the time. And you can kind of watch yourself writing the notes. Like the notes get rewritten in your handwriting. It's kind of cool. It's like a ghost is writing your notes for you.
And you can also just jump to any point. So if you click anywhere on your text, it will fast forward to that point in the meeting. And you'll be listening to the audio that you were listening to when you took the notes.
I wanted to keep this episode short because I always want to save you time. So my recommendation for you is if you're a coach, Grab that prompt in the show notes, copy it into your Google drive. And next time you have a session with a client, take the transcript, put it in there it'll write a follow up email for you.
It'll list out the action items. It'll write a summary. It's great. I tested it. It worked beautifully.
If you want to try an AI note taker, I highly [00:07:00] recommend right now, Fathom. Use the link in my show notes to get three months of the premium free. If you want live transcription that you can kind of be saving as you go, that would be Otter AI. Again, that link is in the show notes. You do need the premium version in order to do that, but you can get one month of that free with the link I have in the show notes.
And then the last thing I want to mention is if you're on Zoom meetings and the person who's running the Zoom meeting has enabled the AI companion, try that out this week. It'll give you some like suggested buttons you can click. It's really cool to see the stuff that it comes back with. So that's kind of nice.
If you're in a meeting and you kind of zone out for a second, you could say, Oh, can you catch me up on the last two minutes and what we discussed? Thanks a lot.
You can ask it. My name is Kelly. Has my name been mentioned in this meeting? You can ask it a bunch of questions like that and see what it comes back with. So that might be a fun way to test out AI meeting companions this week.
So I hope that wasn't too overwhelming. I hope I didn't give you too [00:08:00] many options. If you had just one thing to do, AI. you have any questions, you can reach out to me on Instagram. I'm at productivity, genius coach, or you can email me, Kelly at productivity, genius, coaching. com. I'll link that in the show notes. I hope you save lots of time in your meetings,
use your transcripts to create lots of valuable things, and I'll see you next week.