#27 Ditch 'Doing' for 'Done': Why Less Work Leads to More Results

In this episode we challenge the conventional approach to productivity and introduce a more effective strategy for achieving results. Discover why the common practice of "working on things" can actually slow your progress and how focusing on specific outcomes can enhance your efficiency and effectiveness in both your professional and personal life.

What You'll Learn:

  • The Inefficiency of Ambiguity: Understand why vague tasks like "work on business" or "work on lead magnet" are less likely to be completed and can leave you feeling unsatisfied with your progress.
  • Clarity Leads to Action: Learn how specifying the desired outcome for each time block on your calendar can remove confusion, increase focus, and make starting easier.
  • The Power of Specificity: Kelly shares insights on how to break down larger projects into specific, actionable results to be achieved within allocated time frames, thereby avoiding the paralysis that comes with ambiguity.
  • Real Examples from Kelly's Planner: Gain practical insights from Kelly's own planning process, including how she transitions from planning to executing her lead magnet with clear, result-oriented tasks.
  • Boosting Productivity Through Precision: Discover how this simple shift in planning can lead to significant improvements in weekly accomplishments and overall project completion.
  • Upcoming Episode Teaser: Get a sneak peek into the next episode, where Kelly will delve into the fascinating world of neuroplasticity and its implications for enhancing productivity.

Key Quotes:

  • "Deciding what results you want to create in that time is a game-changer."
  • "This one simple change will make dramatic improvements in how much you are completing in any given week."

Call to Action: As you plan your week, challenge yourself to replace vague tasks with specific outcomes. Share your experience with this approach on social media and tag us @productivitygeniuscoach.. We'd love to hear how this shift impacts your productivity!

Connect with Us: Got questions or want to share your productivity breakthroughs? Reach out on Instagram @productivitygeniuscoach or email [email protected].

Join us next week for an insightful discussion on leveraging neuroplasticity for peak productivity.