#20 Habits: Automating Actions for Productivity

 Habits: Automating Actions for Productivity - Productivity Genius Podcast

Host: Kelly Fifield

Episode Summary:

In this episode of the Productivity Genius Podcast, Kelly Fifield dives into the power of habits as a productivity tool. She emphasizes how habits, once solidified, require minimal effort but can yield significant results. The episode is designed to be practical and easy to implement, helping listeners start seeing results from their new habits.


Key Points Discussed:

  1. The Power of Habitual Actions: Kelly explains how habits like brushing your teeth, which initially require effort, eventually become effortless and part of your routine. This transition from conscious effort to automatic action is what makes habits a potent tool for productivity.
  2. Identifying Key Habits: The episode guides listeners through a process to identify their main focus, goals, obstacles, and potential habits that could significantly impact their lives. This exercise helps in selecting the right habit to develop first.
  3. The Temptation of Multiple Habits: A warning against the urge to work on multiple habits at once. Kelly advises focusing on one habit at a time to avoid diluting attention and effectiveness.
  4. Steps to Choose a Habit:
    1. Determine your main focus or area of frustration.
    2. Set clear goals related to this focus.
    3. Identify obstacles that hinder achieving these goals.
    4. Find habits that can overcome these obstacles.
    5. Pick one habit to start with, ideally a keystone habit.
  5. Example of a Keystone Habit: For those focusing on productivity, Kelly suggests a simple habit of spending 5-10 minutes each morning planning the day.
  6. Solidifying Habits: Advice on using cues and rewards to solidify habits, and the importance of tracking progress. Kelly also discusses the concept of 'never missing twice' to maintain consistency.
  7. Duration for Habit Formation: Reference to James Clear's "Atomic Habits," suggesting an average of 66 days to form a habit.


The next episode will address a common concern: feeling 'behind'. Tune in to learn how to catch up fast and maintain that status.


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- Instagram: @productivitygeniuscoach

- Email: [email protected]

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